Monday, April 3, 2023

Tanim grade 4 green/ DIGITAL MEDIA

  • What is digital media?

Digital media is a form of media that is uesed in elactronic divices.Like mobile we can do so many thing with mobile like call in what's app.
  •  Uses of digital media
We can call each other. And we can also pass our boring time.We can earn mony.We can learn so many thing .We can do markating.

  • What are the types of digital tools?
  • Mobile
  • Tab
  • TV
  • Computer
  • laptop
  • PC 

  • Good impact of digital media.

  • We can communicat with other .We can pass our boreing time.We can do markting.And many more.

  • Bad impact of digital media.
Bad impact of digital media is our id can be hack and our eyes can be harm our parsonal Unhealthy Sleep and etc.


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