Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Dgital Media on teens and adults


What is digital media? 

Digital Media is a way to communicate with others from long dispenses by electronic devices . They make positive impacts in our digital world. But they also and might give out negative impacts in our mental health. Digital medias are types of programs and channel. Digital media is also very big part in our life.

Why digital media is extremely popular amongst teens and adults?

Digital media has made it possible for people to connect with each other from all over the world. We can now communicate with each other instantly, which has made it easier for us to build relationships and interact with people we would never have met otherwise.

What hooks them digital media?

They get hooked probably for getting followers, likes , subscribers ,notifications and comments to be famous.

Does it add any value in teen's and adults life?

 Platforms such as TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat can be lifesavers for teens who feel isolated or marginalized. In addition, social media helped teens feel more connected and not as lonely during the pandemic.

Impact on teen's 
Teenagers on social media spend their time on seeing the lives and images of their peers. This leads to constant comparisons, which can damage self-esteem and body image, exacerbating depression and anxiety among adolescents.

Impact on adults
Using social media often increases FOMO and feelings of inadequacy, dissatisfaction, and isolation. These feelings affect your mood and worsen symptoms 
negatively with anxiety, and stress.

Digital  Media on Teens and Adults 

The impact of social media on youth can also be significantly detrimental to mental health.   Social media and teens are closely linked. Overuse of the apps exposes teens to cyberbullying, body image issues, and tech addiction, and results in less time spent doing healthy, real-world activities. While the majority of parents believe they know what their child is posting on social media, according to a research a survey of teens found that 70percent of them are hiding their online behavior from their parents. It can make waste of time and most importantly can be a waste of future. 

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