Wednesday, August 31, 2022

simple and complex machines (Muskan)

what is machine? 

Machine is a thing that works for us by their own. It makes our life easier by working for us. Like we have to wash 22 cloths so it will take 3 hours but if we use washing machine so we can finish washing 22 cloths in 30 mins or 1 hours . Like this we need machines too much.


   What is a machine answer?

A machine is a thing that is created by people to make work easier. It is a tool or invention which multiplies the effect of human effort. The machine produces a mechanical advantage. 


  What is a simple machine called?
Simple machines that are widely used include the wheel and axle, pulley, inclined plane, screw, wedge and lever.

What is simple machine?

Yamin Chowdhury


what is simple machine?

simple machine is a machine that  took a lot time to do work and we have give so many energy. Also we have to give a lot force to do work using simple machine. Ex: inclined plane, pulley, lever, wheel and axle,wedge and screw.

what is complex machine?
Complex is the machine that took less time to do work and save our energy. Complex machine makes our life luxurious.
This are some complex machine.


for see my blog.

about machine by jiku


what is machine?

A machine is a physical system using power to apply forces and control movement to perform an action.

IF there is no machine what will happen.

About 90% of humanity would either starve to death within a year, or die fighting each other over the last of the food and clean water. It would be a nasty fight at that, simple weapons at close range, among people fighting for their.


Advantage of a machine?

Efficiency – Machines generate more production with minor energy and within a limited time. Worker might be more dedicated to their work when they make use of machines.

disadvantage of a machine?

Machines are expensive to buy, maintain and repair. and also when we are using a phone than we are looking at the screen and that damage our eyes.

What are the 2 types  of machine ?

There are 2 types of machine
 they are
              1:complex machine
              2:simple machine 

what is simple machine?

A simple machine is a device used to make work easier. The six types of simple machines are: incline plane, wedge, screw, lever, wheel/axle, and pulley.

what is complex machine.

complex machines are also called compound machines. Two or more simple machines work together to form a complex machine.

Tanim complex machine

what is complex machine?

Complex machine is a machine that don't took to much time but 100 years ago we need to do work with to much time but new we need only 5 or 10 mins . printing 100 years ago we need to writhe with haend  and new a days we have printing maching.


Simple machines {Tasfia}

What is machine?

A machine is a physical system using power to apply forces and control movement to perform an action.

What is complex machine?

 A complex machine is a machine that consists of more than one simple machine.

What is simple machine? 

Simple machines are a type of machine which makes our work easier Simple machines need more force than complex machines. There are 6 types of simple machine. Which are: 1. Lever, 2. Wedge, 3. Inclined plane, 4. Wheel and axle, 5. Screw, 6. Pulley. 

Simple machines:  

Complex machines :   

 what is machine/

A machine is a thing that is created by people to make work easier.


simple machine: cant help us that much but does a little bit and it is easy to use. In ancient times we use this simple machine like: wheel and axle,wedge,etc.

complex machine: complex machine help us in our daily life some of them are easy to use and some are hard. And if we use it incorrectly some thing bad can happen for this thousands of humans die.

Priyoti Saha


  • Machine means a work that makes hard work easy.
  • Machine is used to work.
  • Machine is very useful to us.

  •  Examples:  Washing Machine etc.

Simple Machine

  1. Wheel and axle
  2. Lever
  3. Screw
  4. Pulley
  5. Inclined plane
  6. Wedge



 There are two types of machine Simple machine & Complex machine.

WHAT is simple machine: Simple machine that we use to do easy work and we are using simple machine like 

This are the example of simple machine.

What is complex machine: 
Complex machine is a machine that can carry many things and can do a lot of work like a crane it can take a lot of ton of  wade and con carry from one place to another place.



Aysha Siddika: ''Simple & Complex Machine"

What is a  machine?   

Machine make our life easier, by saving us time, energy etc.

Without machine, life is so hard. In every steps we are using machines. Like, Computers, Washing machine, lights, fan, Ac, Blender etc. there are 2 types of machines. 1. Simple machines 2. Complex machines

Simple machines

1, Lever

2, Wedge


4,Wheel & Axel

5. Screw

6, Inclined plane

Complex machines

If there is more than 1 machine is called Complex machine. 

Examples: Cars, Bycycle, Washing machine, Blender etc.



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